Football Runner Week 15 Results

I am sorry but as per the leaderboard posted by James, it doesn’t appear as though you placed this week.

I had a score of 720000 is there anyway to see on your end because I know for a fact I placed that score for week 15 that doesn’t make sense

I am sorry but we aren’t able to access any data beyond that provided by James.

That doesn’t make sense you guys are the moderators how can u not check? I’m very positive I was on that list ! Is there any way for me to confirm that ?

Let me reach out to James to see if he might be able to provide this information. This contest is organized and coordinated by him. He would be the only one able to provide possible answers.

Yes plz cause I’m super positive I was on that leaderboard I even confirmed with one of bovada customer service people in a chat

I will let you know once he gets back to me. Customer support would not have access to this information by the way as it is a forum promotion, held and ran by James.

Sounds good and that’s weird because they did let me know I would be receiving a reward and now that u say that I’m more confused lol

I did not cheat lol I’ve placed in multiple weeks I just had one lucky run and got first. Didn’t even know I was gonna get first until it came out I was shocked. But yes I have not received the voucher, just the bonus funds and @James has not answered anything I’ve tagged him in. It’s ridiculous that it’s been this long and it’s just been ignored. I earned that money

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I followed up with James. He will be returning to office on Tuesday and will review the scores to see if you would’ve qualified. You can expect an update then.

The list of winners is only accessible to James. CS has no access to this.

Do you mind getting him to also look in to sending the week 13 voucher for first place? I still have not received it, I’m not sure what else I can do. I received the $200 bonus funds but not the voucher.

I have brought this to his attention. As mentioned, he will be back in office on Tuesday so the matter will be reviewed then. Thanks for your patience.

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@Rockland Welcome to the show this whole top 10 leader board almost different. While my settings have been changed on my game can you please put them back they way they were score doesn’t even load properly. The game has been the same all season week 18 comes and now I’ll dealing with this for 2 days. Yes and Rockland your 100% first right now.

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@ConnorW34 obviously if you haven’t been payed your not getting payed were going on week 17. I guessing the hacker used your name and put in a different email address just like he using moons this week. They should tell you this obviously though. I still have not received mine for week 15 hoping it comes Monday I thought prizes were within in 7 days of the starting week. I mean I am cool with it but jut wish more communicationS. I dont think you personally cheated either i just think you saw your name at the top and you are going with it. Hopefully i completely wrong but why else wouldnt of you been paid by now i mean its Way way past that deadline.

Can someone please fix my game Its going on 2 days nothing changed on my internet and i been playing all season. Am i just supposed to settle with this huge change i been first almost every week. I mean this game is so much more skill then luck why do you think i get high scores every week there should be a ton of top 10 people that are normal and not 1 new name.

@Hmm_123 yooo where you at???!!! You supposed to be on the scoreboard by now what you waiting on. I’m looking forward to week 18!

@Rockland yea tell me about it either my settings got change are the game got changed which with one more week with the huge prizes seems like thats odd. I been playing so much to get used to it again so even with it changed a little i am able to hit almost everyone again. So yea top 3 every week plus won 2 times shoukd of been 4. I Just waiting on a run also my scores are super low even though i am hitting Mostly all of them still and even if u miss some my scores are way lower then normal. There almost a whole new top 10 this week that most of them barely if at all played so high scores seem possible and if it is i would get them like everyweek.Which we know this is a skill game way more then luck. Yea i cant wait either for week 18 one of the main reason i played so much to get this good. So still waiting on a run after hrs and hrs and days. I dont know would be the first week ever since i started i would not be in the top 10. Good luck really hoping week 18 has normal accounts like ours. Happy new year!!

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Definitely a skilled game keep at it tho you’ll place top 10 before it goes in. Happy New Years back! I can say this has been a fun competition and hopefully everything go smoothly the last week of it

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Yea hopefully i just wouldnt understand random accounts beating me all of a sudden with all facts pointing that i should place 5 or lower at least week 18.

@James who won week 14? I never saw that weeks standings posted.