Football Runner Week 15 Results

I feel bad allied I tried. You have been playing all year mostly I think. I think jkards won especially since it wasn’t released. I would go back and see how many times he has played. It’s a skill game there no way people that play for a week are 2 are better unless your not good but I think you are. If he has played more then 2 times before week 14 then it’s real probably. Again It took me weeks to a month 6 hrs a day to get that good. Hopefully you won they let’s hope or accounts that actually play and put in a crap load of work win some good prizes. I already checked but you can check for yourself. I think the hacker just taking most of the prizes now looking like week 17 18 he going to take it to. James does the right thing only time is when that zogdog passed me in the last hr while I was holding the record that week then this random account breaks a record he got like 890 when i was at 875 obviously that was fake account who played once are never so that was a mess up and cost me 800$ . I don’t think that account ever even played after that even though he holds the record makes sense. Hopefully you won though. I screenshot all the top 50 results each week so if you can’t find a week let me know.

What the score break. Guys i been top 3 almost everyweek i mean do i suck all of a sudden something is off obviously. Hrs and hrs and days nothingnand i am getting enough good runs obviously with my record.I just frigging won and i have the record for this whole comp besides that one random account. I dont actually even care this week but its convenient to have me not make the top 10 for the first time EVER let alone top 5 right before week 18. Yes i know there is time but i know this game 800000 is nothing to me especially with people actually getting it that have never played it. @James please send my voucher for my week 15 win tom when you get back. We are entering week 18 in a couple days. I know you been out for a couple days but also i know there a 7 day timeframe i guessing that involves vouchers also. please send it tom if you would as that took alot of time and time is money as you know.

What week of this game is ending tonight?

Gonna be

are week 16 prizes coming out today?

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Yes they will be credited today @Bezradetsky_24

@James bovada please send me my vocher for week 15 win. Plus mybsettings have been messed with as you knowci am almost first everyweek amd now its alot harder because of this. I put security on my phone and did some stuff and my game went back to normal for 10 min which i have the recording of it because of whats been happing and of couse inwas back to getting them all again and then someone most of been like oh shit whats going on and my setting goy changed back i have what its been like all year and wht it changed to. Can you pleae check it and put it back i wont let this die. I put to many hrs into this it might be free for you guys but its costing me shit load of money to play this as its my time.

Your email address was sent to the prizes team - I’ll ask for an update on when you can expect the Voucher @Hmm_123

Sorry can you please clarify this?

Yea my settings changed on the game my guy goes so much lower. Obviously i am on the top 5 every week. This is a skill game its 5 % luck on a run. My game finally went back to normal because yiu came back andci been asking if someone can look at it and i thought you fixed it. 10 min in i was killing it again then all of a sudden my settings changed back to me getting every coin to not be abke to even pass the dame board. Obviously i have the right to be very upset because facts are in the results andcits a little funny the last week it trys to change on me. Can you please look at my game its was just normal again.

I don’t see how the settings can be changed for an individual player, so it must be something on your end, unless others are experiencing the same?

Thanks for week 16 prize much appreciated

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Ok so i been playing on this phone i am on right now the whole season and its been working fine. I took 2 days off of the competition and came back and my settings wete changed. This means my guy dips right before i am about to jump over certain things where i will get hit. Yes also my guy does not jump high but mostly the game its self has timed it out perfectly so when i am about to make certain jump it lowers my guy all of a sudden. It 100% feels like its on purpose especially since it went back to normal what else can it be you wantvto bring up the security part but ill i did was change a couple security thing in my browser nothing major. Sonyes my seetings were finally back to normal the day you arrived and then now its back to crap. Plus itsweek 18 so its strange on top of it. I am sorry but its upsetting

I understand @Hmm_123 but we can assure you that no changes were made on our end and I’d try a different device to hopefully ease your concerns. It’s not technically feasible to change an individual player’s settings, it’s also unethical and would be a wildly inefficient use of our resources.

@James Yea james I tried all that obviously. Just please put it back that just does not happen out of the blue right before the prize week. I think everyone would agree.

If others are experiencing the same, please let us know and we will escalate it, if you are, please let us know:

Your Device:
Operating System:
Internet/Celular Provider:
Specifics of what you are experiencing:

@Hmm_123 We didn’t, we wouldn’t and we can’t change the settings for you, maybe it is time to look into a new phone :man_shrugging: Maybe you can use your Prezzy Card :slight_smile:

Lol yea if i ever get it. Especially i already been cheated out of 1600$ by random accounts. Ill figure it out. Yea my phone is fine maybe look into your software also since its been working all season.

@James while you’re here I’d like to point out this is my highest scoring week yet and it’s been clarified that moon didn’t post his score. The others ahead of me aren’t on any previous leaderboards I’m quite certain they’re bogus also. I know the leaderboard is vetted but just wanted to point this out I think I have a great chance at placing 1st this week

Yea everyone phone will be fine because they were not coming in first everyweek or should of been

We are not changing your settings @Hmm_123; there is a plethora of reasons we would never do that, some I mentioned above, but mainly it is not possible. I understand your concerns, and I’ve explained the reasons why we wouldn’t do that.

If you have any constructive feedback or questions, we encourage you to share them. However, repeatedly posting the same comment does not contribute positively to the community. If you could refrain from doing so, it would be appreciated. Otherwise, we may need to take measures, such as silencing your account, as we want to maintain a productive and valuable space for everyone here.

Sure thing james ill just let it be then. Nothing stange about this at all. Ill just carry on like its normal.