Football Runner Week 17 Results

probably Monday as usual :laughing:

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@Hmm_123 you either got that monster run you were waiting on or youā€™ve been silenced :rofl::grin::sob: which one

Naw I told you what happened! I not going to keep repeating myself. Hopefully you placed.

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Ahh man I was hoping you did for real. 795 was highest I got, I did get a board but I had played so many by the time I realized it was a winning board had 2 hits already bsn on itā€¦ Missed about 80 in coins making sure to stay alive got my 3rd hit on 745 and the joint was still going. Probably woulda been a 875 or better like the board you got once but I missed on it. Hadnā€™t seen nothing from you tho so I just shot that out there. The competition was fun while it lasted

James, results today?

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The suspense is killing me lol


Right me too I just wanna know if my lil 795 made the cut lol I wonā€™t be surprised if it donā€™t tho cause even week 17 was tough only 2 spots under 8 1-10 week 18 might be all 8ā€™s geesh come on wit it James :rofl::rofl:

Got 835 hoping its right there

835 you really might got the top spot rooting for ya! Trade me the jersey you donā€™t want it :rofl::rofl::rofl: good luck tho fr!

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niceā€¦ 835 is more than I got last week

i only got a wimpy 735, could not get blessed by a good RNG to save my life! good luck on top 10 hopefuls, hoping they still give out a top 50 reward

1600$ is obviously not bad for a comp. It should of been at least 2 more times in the normal weeks but I get it. It stinks for me it ended with more harm then good though as you are not the most consistent at a game all season then all off a sudden just suck. Zogdog you are 100% a account that adds a score you beat me with a 895000 in the last hr you couldnā€™t help yourself and I think that was your first are second week every playing are at least by that name if i am wrong correct me please. I just hope real accounts won as I taking a break from the site even though I want to see who won.

any update? been a while

As it looks weā€™ll hear something when we hear something is the ā€œupdateā€. No updates, timeframe or nothing.

Thatā€™s weird af.

maybe there were more than just 50 scores he needed to weed out

Itā€™s definitely not going to be today

Any update?

Timeframe anything @moderators itā€™s been 10 days Iā€™m saying let the players know something did the hackers screw the competition up that bad??? Jakeglobal most definitely took 1st from me ainā€™t say nothing though cause it couldnā€™t be proved obviously but dude came on asking where his gift card was and deleted the post but knew exactly who to askā€¦ haaa but you got ppl that put real time in for scores give us update or something wtf like it or not

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@Hmm_123 you stood up to the foolery and itā€™s messed up you didnā€™t place fr I give you yo props #realistiam