Football Runner Week 4 Results

We’re sorry for the delay guys, the leaderboard is being scrubbed again and bonuses will be issued within 24 hours


So what happened did you guys get all the cheaters off ??

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So come back and check on Monday or Tuesday

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Says “within” 24 hrs so there’s a dash of hope something might fall today :sob:

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@James I cannot post a score to the game, I assume because I have won before that I might be one of the accounts your looking at, but I am not a cheater. I play on my phone. I just play a lot which hopefully you can see (I kinda doubt anyone plays more). The only reason I even won one week is because Zampare didn’t play.

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Can you please address and respond to the problem with my bonus game in caesers empire? Currently at 8 days and counting. Thank you

Did something change with this contest? I finally placed in the top 10 and was excited to receive the reward this week but when I contacted support they said I have to wait until the end of the NFL season to receive any reward?

I tried calling support to explain the situation that and that this was a weekly contest and they just hung up on me.

You don’t have to wait it’s a weekly contest paid out weekly. It’s in the rules.

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@moderators @James

Kinda bothering me so just as a bit of proof I am not a cheater this is a perfect run I just screen recorded (got all coins, hit no obstacles) wasn’t a crazy score because I didn’t get the best luck on what coins showed up. But it’s a screen record from my phone where you can see all my touches from start to finish

I would like to be able to post a score again please


Maybe you can’t because you already won before and they wanna give other people a chance idk

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This is taking a long time deposit 3 times waiting. Money was gone in mins in the casino everytime. I bet a ton of people cheated i mean i dropped 10 places in the last 2 hrs last week. (Was in 11th)I mean i understand people play more on Tuesdays but that much more seems off. 10 places is alot in the span with that high of a score to beat seems like people were just pooping up every min. Scoreboard been the same for 3 days thats how hard it is so for that many people to get high score like thats seems off i would say 2 is pushing it.

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Today might be the Day

Lied to us two times now. Shall we go for a third one?

Very disappointed

It has to be before the games. It’s almost Wed again

Finally got my bonus good luck fellas


Thank you! Received it

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@James cab we see the results? Can we see who was taken off because of cheating?

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@James I did not get the bonus. I was 48th just before midnight. Can you please check?

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i also havent received my bonus, i was around 35th+ before midnight. can you post the scores please
@moderators , @James

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