Wager Settled as no action

It’s not the right thing

Its just the thing

This is a gambling site

You made a bet. The bet won. Its supposed to get paid

The line wasn’t off. Every leg hit. Everyone started

Its a win

Paying it isn’t some sort of act of generosity

Its what they’re supposed to do


You are absolutely right!!! I agree 100%.

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You’re handling this much much much better than most people would be handling having 12k of their money being ostensibly held hostage at this point

There’s zero reason this haant been paid


@YoFavBarber has been very very very very patient here but this is a winner and if there’s some reason it’s not being paid yet the site needs to comp him huge on the meantime til it gets dealt with and paid oyt

5 days to resettle this is outrageous honestly as there’s no real question marks here that even make it a gray area


I’ve had issues in the past and me being super aggressive got me no where. So this time I’m trying to be patient and understanding. But trust me this isn’t easy for me to deal with. Especially with this kind of money at stake and then offering me $187 dollars to compensate me really was a slap in the face.

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The 187 is fine if it’s just to apologize for their screw up and to help you out until this gets resettled. But if it’s to basically forget the 12k then yeah that’s ridiculous


It’s more than 12k. It’s two wagers. It’s 21,000 so I’m really anxious about it. It would be my biggest wins.

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Hey, @Maddie_Bovada. Has there been any updates concerning my case?

Apologies for the wait, there hasn’t been any update to share with you.

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I legit dobt understandx what update there could possibly be other than " oh shoot we graded this wrong"

There are only 3 reasons this wouldn’t be a win

  1. Line error. Which this was not
  2. One of the players didn’t start. Which they all did
  3. One of the players didn’t hit their number. Which they all did

This isn’t my bet obviously but as a long time player here its an AWFUL look to be holding 21k of this guy’s money for 6 days on a bet that is clearly a win

None of this stuff should take more than 10 minutes to verify


@YoFavBarber this ticket still haven’t been resolved yet? @moderators

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@Primetime1 No Sir, I still have not received an update or any compensation so I can gamble this weekend. Nobody has reached out to ease my concerns or update me. Smh.

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Insane, these stats take no time to confirm. Like 5 mins tops

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I have to believe they are reviewing something other than just the stats and if the player’s started or not, because like many have said, those can be verified in a matter of minutes.

So at this point, my only guess would be account related or the timing / placement of the wager. Now, I have no idea what those could potentially be, but the actual results are indisputable and verifiable in minutes.

My guess is also that this will be resolved via PM and no update / statement will be posted here as is common practice on issues like this.

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Have they even said what could possibly be the hold up?

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They have said that’s it’s an error on their end. I posted screenshots earlier of CS saying it’s an error on their end with the computer system. I’m not sure what happened, but a number of users had their bets after they won the description turned to a comma instead of the game details. I don’t know if it was a hack or what, but I provided the proof of my wager graded as a loss and the description still there. So they are checking still to find how this error occurred.

They days it was like error which it absolutely was not.

It was a 6 team parlay at +1100 which is exactly what it should be


Has there been any solution to this yet? This is absolutely ridiculous Bovada. Absolutely ridiculous

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Once an update on this issue has been received, we’ll provide that information.

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Whats the hold up? Just an absolute joke to keep this guys money. Would think just give it to him so he could play more on your site

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I hadn’t heard anything from Bovada or the Mods. I’m still waiting on an update or any form of communication.