Wager Settled as no action

After a week, I personally applaud your calm and patience. I would be trying, but man, there is a limit to any person’s patience.

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@moderators it would really help all the players here who are concerned with this if you could tell us what exactly it is that the team is looking at that is causing a question here

I’m sure @YoFavBarber would like to know too

Because right now it really doesn’t make any sense that this bet is now 2 weeks old and hasn’t been paid as the line is correct, all players started and they all hit their number

So insight as to what is causing the hold up would really really help. Otherwise it just looks like you’re trying to figure out a way not to pay a bet that we can all see won

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I don’t know what else to do at this point but be patient. When they thought I was being dishonest every reply was fast and now that I’ve sent in all the proof proving my wager is indeed graded as a loss now I can’t get a real answer as to why this has not been corrected. It feels like they are trying to not pay and that worries me ALOT!!!

Thank you for being diligent and following on up this.

As previously mentioned, an update will be provided in the name of transparency. As this is an ongoing escalation, @YoFavBarber as well as everyone on this thread will be provided with an update once it becomes available.

Thank you for your patience.


Is there a way just to find out what they’re looking at Lillian? That would probably suffice everyone but @YoFavBarber obviously

I think we are all just genuinely really curious as to what could possibly be the hold up

Im sure there’s a reason this is being looked at and that someone could find out what that reason is

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This is taking time because James has to review the case. Sports have looked into this many times and answer was the same - wager is correctly voided, so now secondary review will be conducted by James. He did already communicate with @YoFavBarber and requested the info he needed. Once he gets the chance to fully review that, update will be provided.

@Rmilia1 no need to worry, we can assure you that this case won’t be left unattended.


@moderators how do you guys have and self respect i am done wageing money on bovada until he gets his ticket resvolved plus extra compensation for his wasted time and effort. Is this how you guys represent bovada what a joke of a website this is beyond appalling.


The situation raises many questions that require us to conduct a thorough investigation. As we’ve mentioned before, without making any accusations, screenshots are incredibly easy to doctor, and once the investigation is complete, we will first inform @YoFavBarber.


Again, without making accusations, but to show why screenshots cannot be relied upon solely, this took less than 10 seconds to do and videos can be altered as well with a little more lead time:


The main issue here is that in this market, there was an error where a line was simply listed as " ’ ", no wager details were listed, just ’ at +1100:

  • ’ (+1100)Selection did not Start/Participate

We can confirm this is the case on the backend, and when we review the player’s account their history shows they had placed their wagers on that market. It might seem odd for someone to wager on an obvious error like this, but it does open the door to try and freeroll (again not accusing, but it is a plausible scenario). You know the wager will be no-action, and when it is settled that way, you can say “No, it was on the winning line, see the screenshot?”

Ultimately, the right decision will be made and we appreciate the community’s concern and patience.


Thank You for the update @James. I know you aren’t accusing me of manipulating photos, and I appreciate that. I also have provided a screen record of me logging into my account, placing a wager, and then navigating to the loss section, and clicking refresh where the wager is still showing all in real time. I am willing to share the YouTube link also with anybody who would like to see it in the sake of transparency.

Link removed

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are you able to record another video now, and have it posted in the next 5 minutes? I will let you know what I’d like you to do, so don’t take a video until you confirm you have the time, and Ill share the details. I don’t want you to jump through hoops but this will help your case.

I removed the link to the video becuase it has your log-in details. Password is hidden but still not ideal.


I feel like were be wayyy better than -150 on that parlay James

Probably like-400 minimum


Thank You. And at this point I don’t mind people seeing my login details if it helps me get paid. Because I can change those after. I just want people to see that I’m not a liar and I have sent the video records. So I don’t mind them seeing it, I really don’t. So if any users would like to view it just PM me and I’ll send the link and when they’re done viewing it, I’ll change my log in information. I’m at work right now, but I’ll have to take off work early so I can catch you before you’re off because like I explained to you I have to do it from my desktop.

we can make it work, what time are you done at? I can log in later tonight, no worries.

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I will be home at 8:00 central time.

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If that took you less than 10 seconds that’s amazing!!! I wouldn’t even know where to start… it looks so real :joy::joy::joy: Anyway good luck to the bettor… I’d wager is legit Bovada will do the right thing! Always very helpful


You really took your time to include my username in your photo how about giving me some points. Bovada and its mods/staff is a load of jokes no type of self dignity


Good Evening,I’m confused because I keep being asked for repetitive information and I was rushing home to send it but at what point does the truth matter. I have sent three videos and multiple screenshots. I have videos of me logging in and going to the wagers. I’ve called in and stayed on the phone over two hours.I placed a wager on something and then to see a comma and a graded loss. So I open the chat and they said something, but I then sent the proof of what I put in at the time screenshot and then I was told it’s a error on the backend and it will be no action. But only after the win it was no action and was settled as a loss at first. I then pleaded my case, but to no prevail. (And I screenshot all my bets because I’m paranoid I’ll win and then something will happen.)Going through my loss history on my desktop browser and not my phone browser as I do every week I see the actual description in my betting history and of course I’m happy,but then I’m told it’s a error from the backend and there is nothing that can be done. So I’m putting all the posts and data I’ve sent in here so people can look through it and judge it how you see fit. The wager I made can be looked up and was apart of the specials offered by Bovada.

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Also can’t you check the reference code in the screenshots he provided to see the wager on your system. Loads of joke do better you guys are horrible

If bovada is wrong, there is nothing they can do to fix this with everone watching for the outcome. They will no longer be trusted to pay a bet without at least a 2 week fight and a ton of proof