Wager Settled as no action

Bovada has always done right by me in the past. From my experience the moderators have not let me down. I expect them to pay it out once they’ve done their due diligence…….Big wins!! Congrats dude!

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Time will tell. It always.does

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Yes it will. It’s clearly an error somewhere in the system. I’m just hoping that it is corrected so that I can be paid and not made out to seem like a liar.


Thanks for that. I’m hoping for the same also.


Hello, I am ready to submit the new video.

Moved this to its own thread and will provide updates here.

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As mentioned before this situation has raised a number of questions and we have been reviewing it from all angles. We want to thank everyone again for their patience.

  • Our stance is that the player knowingly placed the wagers on an incorrectly listed market. The availability of this market can be substantiated publicly via this Tweet:



  • While the reference in the Tweet is to a Canadian operator, it’s worth mentioning that we draw certain lines from a common source, and these specials are part of that shared pool.

  • On our end, we see that this player and 59 others placed wagers on the erroneously listed market. All wagers were settled as no action.

  • When the player originally contacted CS, they provided this screenshot and a cropped image of the line they claimed to have selected.



  • On our end, when we search the wager numbers the details come up the same as this screenshot, this is pasted directly from our end:

No Action - Single

Risked USD 795.39 To Win USD 8749.29

  • ’ (+1100)Selection did not Start/Participate
    • (Game) Sunday 12th November
    • Passing Touchdowns will be credited to the receiver not the passer for wagering purposes. RedZone Games = 6 Games @ 1pm EST & 4 Games @ 4.05/4.25pm EST.
    • Football - NFL Weekly Specials Nov 12, 2023 01:04 PM EST
    • NFL Week 10 RedZone Specials

While individual factors may not provide a comprehensive picture, taking everything into account, we are confident that the wagers were settled correctly. It is our belief that the player knowingly wagered on a line that was incorrectly listed

  • The player made two deposits, each time wagering their entire balance on this particular line. While it’s not unusual for players to place substantial bets on > +1000 lines the market the player claims to have bet on was accurately priced and such a significant investment falls outside their typical wagering patterns for a line like his.

  • Upon contacting us on the day the wager was settled, the player failed to provide sufficient evidence supporting their claim of wagering on the correct line. Instead, they submitted a screenshot that appeared to align with the erroneous wager.

  • It raises suspicion that the player possessed cropped images of the accurately listed line but lacked any image confirming a wager on that specific line.

  • Notably, between the 12th and the 20th, the player did not revisit the issue with us until they posted new screenshots here.

  • Internally, there is no recorded evidence of the player placing a wager on the correct line.

As a result of the investigation, we will not be re-grading these wagers and are confident in our assessment of the situation. With that said, the player can direct their complaint to the Dispute Resolution Office (DRO) as outlined HERE if they are not satisfied with the resolution.


So the decision was based on circumstantial evidence like wagering patterns and the time it took to submit screenshots?

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Yeah i don’t it

Maybe I’m missing something

The tweet talks about a "mystery"line but the line seems pretty unmysterious in the image posted and matches exactly what the players sc r eensjots say he bet on

What am i missing here?


The mystery line is the line that listed only as " ’ " which is what the player wagered on:

The decision was primarily based on the fact that the player did not wager on the correct line, but rather the erroneous one pasted above. The additional points were raised to offer further perspective on why this may have been a deliberate decision, rather than a simple oversight.

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Gitcha. I see it now

That’s brave of anyone imo

Of never assume the sure would void a bet if i lost even if it was listed like that lol


Gotta be a psychic to pull that off haha.

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Yeah i man I’ve been here long enough to know that even if o was being on a bad line on purpose that i wouldn’t briefer if get refunded if i lost

Now maybe i would

But im not risking 1900 on a bet where i don’t know what I’m betting on just assuming it’s a freeroll either. Not a shot in hell lol


Website errors would have me scared to deposits.

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@James - While I know the outcome isn’t what the OP was looking for, along with some fans picked up along the way, I do appreciate giving a full explanation of what Bovada has been looking at and reviewing that caused the delay, in the name of transparency. I figured there had to be more to the story.


What??? !!! So the error on your end - is beside my wager- on a site in Canada- that you pull certain lines from- from a screenshot from Twitter??? This has to be a cruel joke on me with all the evidence I’ve provided.


I think the inherent issue i have with the explanation is that, while it makes sense from an outside perspective, what you’re ultimately asking the players to believe is that someone would be willing to risk 2k on a bet that they didn’t have any idea what they were betting on because they believed Bovada would refund them if the bey lost

That’s where i struggle to buy in

That’s the core premise

It was a blank bet so the players bet on it thinking if it wins maybe they get paid but if not they’ll definitely get their money back

Which as a long time player here i just don’t see a a likely thought process

Would anyone here reading this see a blank bet and think that if they bet on it and lost they’re going to get reimbursed? Be honest


Site errors have me too concern about the safety of my funds to place any wagers personally.

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Placing a $2,000 wage on a blank bet is hard to wrap my head around.

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I mean theoretically i hey what the site is saying

That if you place the net you can then come back and show a screenshot saying it as an accident and you obviously didn’t mean to bet on a black space etc so it’s a freeroll

Issue is that for that to be realistic you’d have to believe the site would 100% reimburse you if the bet lost

Which i just don’t see as being a thought any player here would have