Wager Settlement Issues

The wager has now been settled.

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Thanks Mikey!!

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Can i get this graded. 20101205277707

Hi @Redwood,

Iā€™m sorry for the late response, Weā€™ll check on this for you and update you shortly.

Hi @Redwood,

Your wager was graded, weā€™re sorry for the delay.

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Placed a wager for an 11am game. Game was cancelled. 12 hours later graded a loss. Iā€™ve spent 12 hours trying to get it corrected showing links itā€™s cancelled and never played they have yet to assist me. It gets escalated and never an update. What can I do?

Try posting the wager in the Sports section here

Include the reference number and a brief description of what happened.
A mod can help you with this but they wont be online until 4am Eastern Time. Good luck!

Hi @Crhm777,

Welcome to the community :slight_smile:

I will PM you shortly.

@Kman0207 Thank you for your help :slight_smile:

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Wanted to get a couple wagers closed if possible.

Ref. 20101206820812

Ref. 20101206820811

Hey @GeezeMoney03, checking on these for you.


@GeezeMoney03, the wagers have been settled.

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Help! I took a quinella on Justin Thomas and Patrick Cantlay in this weekends PGA tour event. Cantlay finished 1st and Thomas finished T2 yet my Bovada account is showing it as a loss.

Please explain?

Hi @jstang,

Welcome to the Community, thanks for your contribution. Iā€™m looking into this right now and will send you a PM once updated.

Can i have this settled? 20101207470199

The game was postponed due to covid and I was told it was ā€œescalatedā€. Not sure why it takes 5 hours to confirm this.

It is likely that we havenā€™t been able to find an official scoring site that has this match postponed unfortunately. Iā€™m unable to find one on my end as well.

Can you PM us or provide where you see that it was postponed below?

sent to dm. thanks


I won a Turskish league soccer match (Ref. 20101207554005) and the winnings+balance showed in my account as playable and I went to put in a game but now it is pending again. Any reason as to why this happened?


We have escalated this game for other players and are awaiting a response from the Sports Team. Weā€™ll have more information once itā€™s been resettled.

Thanks. How long does that usually take? I cannot place any action due to this issue.

It usually wonā€™t take longer than 15-20 minutes, but this is an approximation.

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