Wager Settlement Issues

This does now seem settled again as a win.

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Hi mod need help i got some winning bet dats still has not processed its been an hour… can some one look into it… @moderators

@keithoisky, We’d be happy to help can you provide the wager reference numbers so we can have this addressed.

It was just settled just now u guys r great tnks

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Can someone look into my wager #20101208283603? Thanks my dudes

@Yousef, checking on it right now.

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It’s now settled @Yousef, thanks for your patience.


Thank you @Mikey_Bovada :facepunch:t2: You’re the man


Wager incorrectly graded as a loss.
Ref# 20111210934801

@Dennievo, I’m checking with the Sports Team in relation to your wager and will get back with you.

Thank you , I also have the screen shot of the wager and score

Wager incorrectly graded as a loss: Ref# 20111210965897 - any chance someone can take a look? Many thanks.

Looks like it was sorted for you already.

Why a push was a loss on the eagles/cowboys game when each half had 16 points? There was no higher half. Ref# 2111211052981. please refund back my bet. thanks

It’s correctly settled as a loss as there was an option to choose both halves as having the same amount of points.

I sent email and try to find contact info to u guys. For this 2 won tickets for 3 days ago. Why i didnot get my money? I was bet 70$ ( win 278$) 1 game was out and amount like 210$ . But u guys paid 100$ why? Its happen 2 my last win coupon. Plz colculator correctly
1)70$-u paid 30$ more
S) 20$ u piad 16 $ more
Colculator again them

You’re betting Asian handicaps and one of your selections was only half a win hence the reduced payout.

@baldandbankrupt is usually on the ball with these, maybe he can explain it for you further :slight_smile:

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Yep, looks like RKC Waalwik lost 3-0 so half the bet lost(+2.5) and +3 pushed.

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Can I get this grades please


Wagers for the Florida election results should be posted by end of day, they are just awaiting final word on the actual result.

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