Wager Settlement Issues

Any idea on how much longer it’ll take to process bets?

Thank you but it’s going on 4 hours and still has not be graded

Can I get someone to check on my wager, please? It’s a winner but has yet to be declared so. This is one of two bets, both were waiting on one last team to win. The other bet paid as soon as they won and this one is still an open bet. Ref. 24071964615857. Thanks.

Have a winning bet that’s been sitting for some hours
Will there be an update

Reference # 24071964623794

Can you check on the following unsettled wagers
Thank you in advance for any assistance…

Moderators can you help me with this?

All unsettled wagers will be updated shortly. Please monitor your account for the updates.

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Continuing the discussion from Unsettled wagers:

Mods please settle this wager, its been final for almost 2 hours

Ref. 24071964635414

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Could I please get Ref # 24071964616554 graded also. Thank you ! Also been over 2 hours.

Ref. 24071964635414
Mine too over 3 hours
Come on guys
This is making us miss out on other wagers

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Ref. 24071964635414

Over 3 hours pending
Its a win
This is messing up my whole night

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Were obviously being ignored, my losses get graded within seconds but my winning wagers just sit there over 3 hours now…
Ive about had enough
Its probably time to cash out and find a better platform

Im sure this will be ignored too but,

Ref. 24071964635414

Is just sitting as pending

Notice how the mods arent even replying to any of these,

They just said about 2 hours ago
That all wagers will be graded very soon

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Any ETA on the wager settlement issues? Been waiting for like 3-4 hours already

Ref. 24071964633533

I’m trying to get all these passed over to sports to be manually graded, so please bear with me

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24071964638487, 24071964635794 please paul thank you!

The sports team are going through wagers now, there should be no need to post

Please settle ref#24071964609205. I won hours ago.

As I posted above.

So i assume this is part of the website issue but one of those bets shows iunsettled, then won, but my balance doenst update and the wager is still in my open bets.

Specifically 24071964638487, looks like they tried to settle it but it didjy work, it shoes unsettled and dropped my balance negative thwn settled as a win but my balance is still zero, ans the ticket is still in my open bets (which it should as eventho it shows win i havent been credited the money :slight_smile:

Yes, it will be due to some issues they had earlier

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