Wager Settlement Issues

What’s going on with this morning college bball game. It appears the scoring and lines were all whack the first 5 minutes and then it was taken down. I think it should be scored as no action given the circumstances.

Ref. 21031280370397

The teams and scoring were reversed for the first 5 minutes. I typically jump on a team 1H after they go down right away. Sure enough the team that went down 0-3 right away won the 1H, however Bovada live lines had the teams and scores reversed for the first 5 minutes.

I bet St. Joe’s solely bc bovada’s line showed them go down 0-3 and the line reflected that at +100 1H. And the scoring continued to be wrongly reversed for quite some time. I did not hammer one side or the other once i realized the lines were off, well after I placed my bet.

Hi @deab54,

I’ll send you a PM shortly.

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Would I be putting up such a stink if St. Joe’s/the bet won? No. But I would also understand when the decision would be made to settle it as no action due to incorrect lines, which has happened plenty of times for me on wins.

Bottom line is that I’m not some robot trying to take advantage of incorrect lines. I bet with strategy and it relies on the lines being accurately reflected with the teams and scoring.

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Please grade 21031280464132

Hi @Redwood,

I’m checking on it, will keep you updated.

This was a live bet. It ended some time ago.

Please grade



This is now escalated.

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All set thank you

This has now been settled.

Hi mods,

Have a couple small bets that already ended about 20 minutes ago but no settlements yet. Can you please assist?


Thank you very much.

Hi @Kman0207,

I’m checking on them right now, will get back to you once updated.

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Thanks Mikey. Much appreciated :slight_smile:

Hi @Mikey_Bovada

Just checking for an update. If needed, here’s the ESPN score



Sorry for the late reply, was away for a bit, it shows that the wagers have been settled, thanks for your patience.

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Thank you Mikey :slight_smile: Always great help.

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Graded incorrect. Bc an miami under 66 for fitrst half. 21031281649282

Hi @Redwood, I will check on this for you and send you a PM shortly.

Looks like they fixed already

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