Wager Settlement Issues

Can you look at reference numbsr 21031282105107

Hi @Rojo23, checking on your wager now.

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Its been over a hour

Weā€™re sorry for the delay with your wager settlement @Rojo23, this was escalated to our team and they are working on this as we speak,

Thatā€™s crazy lol

Over a certain amount of time a bonus should be added :roll_eyes:

You wager has now been settled, we apologize for the delay.

@moderators @James @Brooke_Bovada Ref. 21031282230974 needs settling asapā€¦ Lets hope and pray any of you mods will be dutiful and settle it accordingly

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No need to hope and pray @quallsquin98325 :slight_smile: we will get this graded asap

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Settled @quallsquin98325

Any chance of getting this graded * Ref.21031283603021

Hi @Bears022,

This Wager has been settled, congrats on your winnings :slight_smile:

I had an NBA prop on Chris Boucher settled as a push because he didnā€™t start/participate, but heā€™s only started 2 out of 36 games all season. Small bet but it was a bummer to see a win get graded as a push because of that

Ref. 21031280583568

@ClubCracker Iā€™m sorry to hear about that but all game props similar to those are only on the condition that they start

Gotcha. I know Iā€™ve won/lost on him before but guessing that must have been in the prop builder?

Mods. Can you check this on please. 21031284096289

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Iits a winner fyi. 21031284096289

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Can yall grade reference number 21031284762839 its been almost a hour thats ridiculous

@Rojo23 Iā€™ll check on it

Thanks appreciate it

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