Wager Settlement Issues

I’ll send it over to our Sports team, and I’ll keep you posted.

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Wager should be re-settled now.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Wager Settlements

Hey Guys - could you take a look at Ref. 20051136655743

This bet is for Envy +11.5 rounds on Map 2 (Nuke) vs. Cloud9.
The final score of this map was Envy 14 - 16 Cloud9, yet the bet was graded as a loss.

Here is the HLTV page of the map confirming the 14-16 scoreline.

Please let me know if you need anymore sources.


I’ve had a look and I can see that it’s since been resettled - sorry for the confusion!

Can we settle this one please? Thanks!

Now it was graded as a loss lol clearly went over by a ton

I’ll take a look at this to see what’s going on.

Thanks man!

The scoreboard shown is for another match, as you see by the team names.

Your wager’s been correctly settled as a loss as the first half score is 48.

Drop me a PM if you’ve got more questions about this.

Hahaha my dumba$$ was watching the wrong game, that’s what happens when you trying working and playing at the same time I guess lol my bad man thanks tho!

No worries!

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I currently have a negative balance for my account. Not sure how that is possible. Can you please investigate when you have a moment.

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Ref. 20051136820586 can you grade the following match for me please.


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The following match was stopped or had an issue and hasn’t resumed in the last couple of hours. Can you provide and update on what is happening and when the game will be resolved.


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Second on mendes match. Looks like it got interrupted with no signs of continuing. Can I get it as a push on Ref. 20051136929228 @moderators

Hey guys, apologies for the delay - these wagers have both now been settled as ‘No Action’.

20051137483634 - graded wrong. Could you look into it please

This has since been fixed for you.