Wager Settlements

We do see that an unsettled wager has caused this and will PM you with details shortly.

Thank you.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Wager Settlement Questions

Ref. 20051136687732 Can you grade this wager, please.

I see that it was settled for you earlier on :slight_smile:

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Wager Settlement Questions

Ref. 20051136823019 Can you grade this one, please. Thanks.

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Hi can you please grade this wager 20051136920586

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Please can you grade this wager

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Ref. 20051137004135 Can you grade this wager, please.

Hey @Hutch_123, this wager should have now been settled for you.

Hi, could you please grade this wager: 20051137127015.

This has since been settled for you.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Wager Settlement Questions

Ref # 20051137791982

All matches completed and no grading yet. I’m assuming it’s being held up because of Sergey Yacenko vs Igor Gudushin. This match was a walk over according to sofa score.

Thanks for looking into this!

@Kgpjr1, We’ll take a look and PM you with details shortly.

@Kgpjr1 Should be settled now :slight_smile:

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2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Wager Settlement Questions

20051138952380. This game is over taking forever to settle

This wager has now been settled as a win.