Wager Settlement Issues

On review our Sports Team has informed me they are awaiting the final decision on this Baseball game. Your wager will be graded as ‘No Action’ if the game is postponed or cancelled, but will have action if it is finished today as per Rule #6 in our Baseball rules

‘Wagers on suspended games do not carry over to a later date.’

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Ok cool so no action. Thanks!!!

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ok so mine was graded as a loss…

The match was suspended not finished? Can you have the sports team check this again please

ok never mind they fixed it. Lol. have a good one bro

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4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Wager Settlements

Hey Guys, please see Ref. 20081164340206

Below you will find proof of 4Zoomers winning this series.


Please correct the grade.


I would love to hear the logic behind this message

Aug 11, 2020
Hi Calvin

This is just a quick note from the Sports team letting you know that the wager (s) placed on Beastcoast vs 4 Zoomers has been settled as ‘No Action’ because it was deemed as a past post wager. The cut off time for this event was 4:44 34 PM EST.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.

Our Customer Service Team is available 24/7 to help if you need anything else.




Hey Guys, please see Ref. 20081164340206

Below you will find proof of 4Zoomers winning this series.


Please correct the grade.


The settlement of the wager will stand as it was placed after the cut off time.

What a complete joke. That is a WINNING WAGER. You can’t just go back and make up rules after the fact to nullify it.

Correct Ref. 20081164340206 as it is a WINNING WAGER.

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This event started at 3:30pm ET.

You offered LIVE LINES on the event.

Please explain the arbitrary cutoff time of 4:44 34 PM EST???

That is the middle of the event. Bovada is just making up rules to nullify my winning wager.

Please correct the settlement on Ref. 20081164340206 which is a WINNING WAGER.

Thank you.

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This is a rule that’s stated under our Live Betting Rules.

The event started at 3:30pm ET, and went on for 35 minutes in both games, so it was already over by the time you placed your wager.


I placed the bet before the 2nd map even began! I WAS WATCHING THE EVENT.

It is pathetic that I even need to go to these lengths to prove that this is a winning wager. Fair & square.

Stop cheating me and correct the grade.

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If you placed your bet before the second map began, it still would be past post.

The settlement will remain as No Action, as this wager was placed after our cut off time.

Ref. 30369617 here is the wager number

Ref. 30369617 here is the wager number i had the pick four combination 2401 on my one ticket and i hit that pick four 4 out of 4 with Bovada sportsbook but the track had no one hit 4 out of 4 which they paid out any 3 out of 4 combinations which i had numerous times i played the same ticket with another sportsbook and they paid it out correctly 523 different 3 out of 4 combinations that i have but some how bovada does not have a racebook person that can figure out how to pay it out

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James i need help on a wager that i made and the sports team has no clue on how to payout this wager it is a pick 4 wager

We’ll take a look into it for you and discuss with our Racebook team.

I placed a bet back in October 2019 on Raptors to win the Atlantic division. Since they’ve now won the division I havent seen my account credited with those winnings. The bet no longer shows up under open bets on my bet slip and I don’t see anything about it under my recent transaction history. Will these types of bets be paid out? Will I get my original wager back?

I’ve had a look and it was settled and credited to you on August 10th :slight_smile: