Wager Settlements


Please grade Ref. 20041133880362. This ended over an hour ago.

Hey guys, these wagers have since been settled. Apologies for the delay.


I recently placed a bet that I won, but has not been processed yet.

reference number 20041134002752

@mbspie I see that its since been settled.

Disregard - already correctly resettled. Thanks!


A post was merged into an existing topic: Wager Settlement Questions

Why does escalating an hours old wager to support never seem to help get a game graded

Oops. Wrong title. Its this wager though


I’ll check on the wager for you.

Thanks. Frustrating when you see it live score and drop off. Then support escalates but always seems like waste of time.

Another one with same game. Thought fixing one would fix other. 20041134614126

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And another. Last one. 20041134614124

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This wager was graded a push when he fact he won

Ref. 20041134666492


@Elvis_123 We’re checking now

Thank you Matty. The balance is still messed up. It’s showing a win but the amount is still off.

@Elvis_123 Its due to you already having received the risk amount back when it was originally settled as a push.

So what’s going on? Sorry I’m confused and have no clue whats happening.

@Elvis_123 I’ll send you a PM

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Hey Guys - could you take a look at Ref. 20041134948640

Final score of Map 3 between Subliners & Huntsmen was Huntsmen 156 - 150 Subliners which means Huntsmen -5.5 should be settled as a win.

Here is a screenshot of the final score. The match is still ongoing but I can link you to the VOD once the match is over as further proof if needed. Let me know! Thanks.