Wager Settlements

You changing rules as you want to see it

@marcojuice This isn’t true and we have asked for the wager reference numbers of the wagers you’re claiming have settled this way in the past. @Mikey_Bovada has shown you the link to how point spreads work and this wager was settled correctly.

You do your Job. Dont work for you

I sent am email to close my account asap.

Ultimately you’re asking for a wager to be reversed based on previous wagers. Without any proof of this we won’t be changing any wager settlements as this was correctly settled unfortunately.

Ref. 20121230068678

Please settle

I’ll ask our team to take a look for you.

Should be sorted now.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Wager Settlement Questions

Can I please get ref. 20121230965864 Settled?

Hi @Yousef,

Wager Reference Number 20121230965864, has been settled as a win. Congrats on your winnings :slight_smile:

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Thank you @Jasmine :raised_hands:t2:

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Made a bet last night and Buddy Boeheim didn’t end up playing.

Just curious as to why the wager hasn’t been graded yet. The game has been over for more than 12 hours now.

Reference number : 20121230632924

@Evandalist, Welcome to the Community!

We’ve escalated this now for you.

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Thanks a lot, Ryan!

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Completed - thanks!

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I have a problem with the wager that was a win yesterday and was now settled as a lost today which is incorrect, my balance is in the negative now. Ref 20121230831227. The correct thing that happened was 3 plays for 28 yards resulting in a Dallas Cowboys touchdown. Can I get this fixed please

Hi @CinncyKid,

I do know how this can cause frustrations and is taking a look to see how you can be assisted. Once there is an update, we will let you know.

Can you please settle this wager from a game yesterday:

Ref. 20121231129383

Hi @hcohen1414,

We have escalated the Wager to our Sports Team now.

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