Week 2 NFL 2021 Survivor Pool

I picked one of these teams. As you can see, the circle is not bolded.

Can you try logging out and back in @baldandbankrupt? We added a setting where only the winners from last week can make selections, and something similar happened to one of us when we were testing it recently. logging out and back in seemed to do the trick.


Ok it worked now, the circle is bolded. Thank you @James_Bovada :metal: :+1:


how do we know who we picked week 1, first survivor challenge i have ever played where you picks are not eliminated from list next week

Agree with the above, is there a way we can see who we have already picked so we don’t pick that team by accident again? Thanks


Hey guys we added the winners picks from week 1 here and will keep it updated.


Took the Brownies, next leg up is the girl scouts. Budman

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Took the packs

I got bills this week, gonna bounce back after dumb losee

Its only been one week , write it down on a piece of paper or something .


Looks like we have to track our own picks week to week? Go Pats!

I am in in think my pick shows bold circle

Thank you picking Broncos

Just keep track of your own picks. It’s been 1 week only

Go San Francisco

Patriots this week

Let’s go! Week 2!

This worked for me too. Thanks James

No bolded circle for me, logged out and back in, but no worries, i can keep track of 1 week, lol. Lets go for week 2!!

I wanted visual confirmation that my pick was in fact entered.