Football Runner Week 13 Results

Cheater playing games again using my name to get first. I’m at 755k

Who would just put people in first like that. Make it look real. It’s really messed up. He probably just put in a different email so it gets sent there. Why else would he do that. Not going to stress about it if the guy just going to do that I have no control over it but sticks.

How have they still not posted week 14 results

Yea I guess some of them or on hoilday vacation. Hopefully today but either way they are coming.

Competition becoming a comical joke

Monday it is then

can only assume they are screening the cheater scores out of the leaderboard but maybe they are looking at what the cutoff for “legit” scores is

There’s 0 reason it should take an entire week to provide results

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I understand a little because there obviously someone that keeps cheating for first most weeks Maybe there are trying to crack down more. Hopefully bovada starting to see the patterns with the random accounts in the last couple hrs. So the hacker know what score to put in so then nobody has time to beat it. I can’t control that though except try to help point stuff out. I do honestly think they are really looking close now since they see what’s happing.

For the last time… THEY are the ones cheating… lol. Do you see how little information they give and how much is unexplained constantly…? Writing is all over the wall.

@Zain08 I understand why you think that and I have expressed who i think it is but it gets me know where because I obviously keep getting knocked out. So I guess I gotta just be quiet and just hope it stays legit and point on what I think is way off. I have not been listend to yet and the other person gets paid hopefully they will look closer. I have realized it out of my control and hope the person in control does the right thing.

I only started doing this last week. I closed last week at 675k before quitting, then someone put my score to 99,999,999 and I messaged support several times and they all said I would be the winner. Blah blah blah

@Zain08 Really lol. Yea the mods would be the best people to ask if you have questions on the comp.

Some games i can’t get over like 555k and i barely even miss any.

@James when should I expect to receive the voucher for first place? I received the bonus funds, but I am still waiting on the voucher

Yes I get it! It’s extremely hard to get those score I get I literally have to play for hrs a day! I was bed bound for awhile so I could not move because of back surgery thats why I got so good. Yes though most of my runs with out missing any even the ones that are separated. Are in the low 600.

@ConnorW34 you will most likely get it tomorrow. When I won I got mine on a Monday. Not much of a simple size just trying to let you know when I received it.

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@Hmm_123 Thanks man. How does it come, through email?

You all got the bonus funds already? So that means they manipulated me out of the top 50. LMAO laughable this company

@Zain08 No bro your good he is talking about the voucher. James will pass the prizes out soon.