Football Runner Week 13 Results

@ConnorW34 yes it does

ok, thanks. Honestly not even sure if I made it. I had 675k before my account was messed up to show 99,999,999

There was like 16 spots where cheaters had scores in the millions so you should be fine

I sure hope so! Thanks. Just got a run for 725k so thats prob the best im gonna do this week

I took snapshots of my high scores in the football runner game for week 14 I believe. Where are the results for top 50 and did I make the cut to earn a prize for the week? Thanks in advance, talked to a rep the other day and I should have earned something, they suggested I contact the moderator in the community section so here I amā€¦can a moderator strep in and help please?

My best score from my 3 screenshots on Dec 11th was 580, did this qualify for a prize?

They havenā€™t said anything in about a week. Iā€™m new here but seems like they just do what they want when they want, when it comes to this game and its rewards

580 you probably did not win anything. Usually 680 is pushing it to barely crack top 50

Does it always take THIS long??? lol

Yeah ever since they had to go thru and get all the cheaters out

They didnā€™t give out prizes till Monday last week so Iā€™m not surprised

I guessing we will get them today. Itā€™s never been later then Monday. Letā€™s hope

What time usually? I literally just want to know if I even made it and what happened to my score. I know I got 675k so we will see

ay man can you pay the people @James

I dont know usually he try to get them before the Sunday games if not its always came before monday night game. I dont know though it will come though.

@James is there anyway you can try to do that before monday night footbll? Just wondering

Highly doubtful lol.

@James all he does is just ignore everyone ā€¦cant even give us an update

The time frame is 7 days - and will make every effort to have it added by tomorrow morning. We appreciate your patience in the meantime.

You knowā€¦ youre allowed to do things ahead of scheduleā€¦

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