Football Runner Week 13 Results

It just sucks that your are using all 7 days to get what we earned no urgency…it gets worse week by week seems like he doesnt even care about the customers hardly responds and keeps us updated

Maybe let the other moderators take care of it as well. I’m sure they’re capable enough. Let @Maddie_Bovada or @Lillian_Bovada or @Vivian_Bovada do it once. Probably will have funds in our accounts every Wednesday morning right after it ends.

@James Thank you for the update!

Lmao of course

:japanese_goblin: me right now

Crazy lmao

Maybe I am being spoiled but it just doesnt seem it should be this long.

Nahh you’re right it shouldn’t take this long

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Finally got mine

I dont have shit. So that means I got booted out bc someone messed with my score. Nice!!!

Depending on where you placed it’s trickling down now

Id def be 45-50 if im lucky. 675k

Ain’t gone none yet I had like 690k

RIP to us!

Wait, I got mine way earlier today. My bad

I still didn’t get anything, I placed within 40-50th place. When will I receive the $30?

So you got a prize ?

Oh nvm I always message support to see if I have any bonuses they can give me (I spend more than i should here). They gave me 60 in bonuses. If I get anything from the football runner it would only be 30 so it was a separate thing… I am double sorry. But still want my $30 if I placed.

You actually got a bonus from CS ?? Wow how lucky of you :joy: I haven’t gotten one from them this year , used to all the time

Are you opted in to crypto exclusive? And what “level” is your profile?