Wager Settlement Issues

Did anybody else bet on the Tom Brady prop bet? The prop said the first to report the terms of his new contract would win.

I bet Adam Schefter. He turned out to be the first to report the contract, and Bovada marked it as a loss anyway!

Welcome to the community @stephenja! We’ll check this prop wager with our Sports team and we’ll let you know once we get an update.

Hey there. A while back a placed a bet that wrestemania would not be cancelled or rescheduled. Any reason why there would be a result - no action?

Welcome @Oleboykabelo :slight_smile:

This line was settled as No Action as the event was moved to another venue.

Oh I see! That makes sense

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2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Wager Settlements

Please check wager Ref. 20041132449100
Draw graded as a loss.
Also have three other wins graded as loss
Ref. 20041132443868.

Ref. 20041132406866

Ref. 20041132408731

@Romeo847, welcome to the Community. Upon review, all 4 of these wagers were correctly graded as losses. We have PM’ed you with details and links to these decisions.

3 team parlay

Ref # 20041132508230

Listed as loss but your site and others showed all 3 games as wins

Please rectify

I’ll send you a PM regarding the settlement of this wager.

I placed two bets that there would be a winner on Saturdays lottery Powerball jackpot. We now know that someone did win but I have not received any winnings and it says loss on my report. Its a pretty simple bet, either someone wins the jackpot or they don’t. SOMEONE DID!! Yet it says loss. Can anyone help me understand

Welcome @WILCAL123

The wager was settled as a loss as the $180,000,000 jackpot wasn’t won last Saturday.

Hey @moderators can I get Ref. 20041132652126 reviewed. Begrip did indeed play and I can DM the results page if needed.

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@rpgray, We’re looking into this, and we’ve sent you a PM requesting further information.

So I picked a 2 team parlay and and both teams ended up winning but it says I lost? Can I get some help?

@Drake6191, Welcome to the Community.

We’ll be happy to take a look into your wager, but we would need you to provide the wager reference number or more details about the wager in question, such as teams involved, bet amount, and timeframe.

Please PM us here, and we’ll be glad to take a look.

Why is # 20041133464578 being graded a loss? You guys are getting pretty sketchy

@Andytmartin7 I’ll have the wager reviewed.

I recommend that everyone watches their wager settlements very closely. Just today I have had 3 E-soccer wagers graded completely wrong. I have to reach out to the chat every time and wait 10 minutes to connect with someone, then answer all the questions and show proof. Keep in mind, showing proof isn’t as easy as just checking ESPN. This is ridiculous and it needs to be fixed.

@hcohen1414, We certainly do apologize if you’ve had multiple wagers graded incorrectly.

That being said if you ever do notice an issue with your wagers we’ll gladly look at them and do our best to fix them. We don’t usually require the player to do the work in regards to proving that a wager is incorrect, and will check into any request brought to us.